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Family Info
Spouses and Children:

   Helen Finn aka Schmidt
       29 Oct 1910Monroe MI

   John C Schmidt
  • Born: 10 Oct 1884, Dowagiac Cass County MI
  • Death: 10 Jan 1944, Monroe MI
  • Buried: 13 Jan 1944, St Joseph Catholic Church Cemetery Monroe MI

  • bullet    General Notes:

    Monroe Evening News
    10 Jan 1944 ( some say 1941 for death)


    John C. Schmidt, 59, died at 9 o'clock this morning in his home, 420 Union street, of a throat ailment following a year's illness. He was born in Dowagiac, October 10, 1884, and came to Monroe from Ida 37 years ago. For the last 34 years he was a millwright foreman at the Consolidated Paper Company. He married Ella Finn October 29, 1910.

    Survivers, besides his wife, are two stepsons, Earl and John Perney of Detroit, and two sisters, Mrs. Walter Hanchon of Jackson and Mrs. Anah Householder of Toledo.

    The body will be taken to the residence this evening from the Rupp funeral home. Services will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday at St. John's Catholic Church where he was a member of the Holy Name Society, the Rev. Fr. Leo Huver officiating. Internment will be in St. Joseph's cemetery.

    The Holy Name Society will hold prayer sevices Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the funeral home.

    13 Jan 1944

    John C. Schmidt

    The Rev. Fr. Leo Huver officiated at 9 a.m. services today in St. John's Catholic Church for John C. Schmidt, who died Monday moring of heart ailment. Burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery.

    Pallbearers were Norman Salow, Emmett Smith, Christ Kurtz, Jacob W. Bauer, Ray Benedict and Fritz Grunwald.

    John C. Schmidt was buried in same family plot as Ella's first husband John Pernie/a.
    Ella went to her rest in 1946 and is also buried there.

    Date of last change: 14 Feb 2012 05:09:33

    Copyright 1954-2014 Lois Ann Pernia Vidolich