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       Parents     Grandparents     Great Grandparents  
Nicholas Lester PERNIA
1908 - 2002
Guillaume Knisley PARNIER [+10]
Dwight David PERNIA
b. 1953
Cora Belle LEONARD [+10]

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Detailed Pedigree

Nicholas David PERNIA
b. 1984

Rita Catherine Elizabeth MURRAY
1919 - 2012
Michael MURRAY
Charles Jean LITTLE
1922 - 2001
Francis Jean LITTLE
Michele Jeanne LITTLE
b. 1957
Nellie Ford LEE
Myra Joseph GRATER
b. 1926
Charles Ernest GRATER
Harriet Esther GRATER
Maximum ancestor generation: 13
Number of known descendents: 1


Family Info
Spouses and Children:

   Laura Marie Baumrucker
       May 2014
    ♦ Conner David Pernia  [0]
   Nicholas David Pernia
  • Born: 1984

  • Date of last change: 4 Dec 2014 09:34:24

    Copyright 1954-2014 Lois Ann Pernia Vidolich